‘Let there be light!’ Quest for students of the Krasnogorsk College
On 7 October 2020, freshmen of the Krasnogorsk college visited Izolyator plant and took part in the ‘Let there be light!’ quest.

Krasnogorsk College is a large educational holding in the Moscow Region. The number of students is over 3200 people.
The college provides training, advanced training and retraining of mid-level specialists and skilled workers and employees.
For many years, the educational institution has maintained a leading position in the ranking of educational organizations in the vocational education system of the Moscow Region.
Since 2019, Krasnogorsk College received the status of a federal innovation platform.
Lead Technical Support Specialist Victor Kiryukhin familiarized the college students with the history of the plant and the production technology for manufacture of high-voltage bushings including CNC machines.
Students of Krasnogorsk college are learning about the history of Izolyator plant in the corporate museum
A tour of the manufacturing facility of high-voltage bushings
The students visited the test center where they learned about different types of tests of high-voltage bushings and applicable testing equipment.
At the test center of Izolyator plant
The tour was followed by an exciting quest ‘Let there be light!’, developed as part of the activities of the Izolyator corporate university.
The students enthusiastically answered the questions, which were compiled on the basis of the just conducted tour of the production complex. Several quest tasks were of an applied nature: they conducted experiments, assembled an electrical circuit against the clock.
Quest ‘Let there be light!’ at its peak
At the end of the event, all students received memorable gifts, and the winners of the quest received certificates.
Quest winners are receiving awards
All activities of the visit to the Izolyator plant of students of Krasnogorsk College were fascinating and went with great benefit
Many students expressed their desire to take a practical training at the Izolyator plant as internship.